
If you believe in our mission and will help us tell our story, we are going to share our Advertising Budget (AD) with our subscribers. We will be dividing our AD budget based on your participation, in an effort to reward and thank those of you who get behind our desire to help. Everybody could use a little extra cash flow these days and this is another way we want to help.

3squares Extra Funds

Every business must find a way to make itself known to the market they are trying to reach. While there are lots of ways to get the word out, we have decided to pay you our Advertising Budget to help us tell our story. We know going in that not everybody is going to get excited enough to start spreading the word about our vision. To the half of you that will just happily buy and use our products, we are thrilled that you are with us. You will help us feed a lot of people while you are taking care of your family.

To those who will tell a few people along the way, we will gratefully reward you for your efforts. We hope you make enough to cover your monthly subscription. We will not put pressure on you beyond your comfort level in helping.

For the 15% to 20% who are going to give it the old college try and stand with us to grow the business, we want to help you all we can. We need this smaller “Hungry” group to run with us in order to accomplish our goals. We want you to maybe make a living by helping address the problems we are tackling in our world. The qualifier to join this closer group is to qualify for the Ambassador Bonus (10 monthly paid subscribers in your 2nd level). This will be the signal we are looking for to see who is seeing the same vision we are. This group will be invited to a closer working relationship with the company as we grow.

We invite you to be who you are. We aren’t going to drag or shame you into doing more than your heart embraces. If, however, your heart is fully in, then qualify for your Ambassador bonus and let’s change our world.


Advertising Comp Plan

There are two primary levels of participation in the Adv. Comp. plan. 
Members who subscribe and have at least 1 front line subscriber, will earn as follows:

1. Subscribers who purchase $30.00 per month will receive for each subscriber in their sales tree, a % of all purchases for 5 subscriber levels.
a. Level 1 - 2.4%
b. Level 2 - 2.5%
c. Level 3 - 2.7%
d. Level 4 - 2.8%
e. Level 5 - 4.5%
2. Subscribers who have at least 10 paid subscribers on their 2nd level on any month will receive a 10% Ambassador Bonus on all sales through 5 levels for that month. Ambassadors will also quality for sales contests when available.

Advertising Bonus

Every company has to get the word out to the public through advertising their products in some way. It doesn’t matter how good your product or service is, if nobody knows about it. We have chosen to reward our members for tell others about our company and our products. We simply take 15% of all purchases and put those funds in an Advertising Bonus pool. Those funds are divided back to our members each month based on the size and volume of the company sales their efforts produced.

Each member also will receive a 20% bonus on all retail sales processed through our web site in their name. Non-member retail sales do not qualify for the lower retail price paid by our members.

The Advertising Bonus paid on members purchases in your team tree extends to 5 levels. We have no limitation on how many members you may personally introduce. Just remember that the path to greatest success is always helping your personally sponsored members grow their tree. To encourage this simple key to success we offer one additional Bonus. We call this the Ambassador Bonus. For each member who has 10 paid subscribers on their 2nd level in any month, that member will receive a 10% bonus that month on their Advertising Bonus.

So there are 3 ways to generate a thank you for helping spread the word. You will earn a 20% commission for all personally generated retail customer sales. You will share in the Advertising Bonus when you invite others to join. (15% sales pool) You will receive a 10% Ambassador Bonus for any month you have 10 paid members on your 2nd level.

All these bonuses will be tracked in your back office on our platform. Enroll today and get your first shipment of our food packets. Taste it and share with a friend. It is that simple. Where else could you build a business while securing food for your family and feeding those in need? We will be teaching you some survival skills along the way.

So join us today and feel the confidence that comes from being prepared.