Mission Statement

The uncertain times we live in have presented fear and uncertainty about our future that few people have ever had to face in their lifetime. With store shelves having empty spaces, supply chain interruptions, rising prices, and mixed messages in the media, most people are struggling to formulate a plan to deal with an unpredictable future. When it comes to feeding your family, what should we do to prepare? I always ask these two questions:

1. Do you think food will be more or less available in the next 6 months?

2. Do you think food will be more or less expensive in the next six months?

Almost everyone I ask says that food will be less available and cost more. Then I ask them if they have a plan to get through this crushing wave that is headed our way. Most people have this deer in the headlights look on their faces because it is simply overwhelming to think that here in America, we could be facing a food shortage. As scary as all of this is to those of us living in America, There are countless millions of people around the world who are already living with the problem we fear is coming.

We believe that we have come up with a simple, safe, and affordable plan to address these issues.

Our sister company has been in the supplement business for several years. When things began to tighten in the recent health crisis, many of our customers began to put pressure on us to find an affordable food solution to address the uncertainty in our food supply. After months of studying the challenges of starting a new company to supply long-term food storage products, we finally made the commitment and started. Having traveled to Africa 38 times, I have seen what a real food shortage looks like. What we fear may come to America is already a reality for many people there. Another reality of the American approach to crises is that we react and prepare, but sadly, most of the food is stored, forgotten, and wasted. We wanted to develop a plan where all the food was eaten by someone who needed it. It took some divine appointments, but we believe that we have been led to an elegant and sustainable solution to many problems in one simple project.

1. First, we know from the Bible that we are told (I Timothy 5:8) that if we don’t take care of our own, we have forsaken the faith and are worse than an infidel. God is quite clear that our first responsibility is to our families. His wisdom knows that if our families are cared for,we can then turn our creativity and energy to helping others who are in need. Storing up food for our families in uncertain times is not only wise but prudent. Our food has a 5-year shelf life, and as you will see, none of it will go to waste.

2. Second, the Bible goes on to say that we are to love others as we love ourselves (Leviticus 19:18). If we see someone in need, we should help them if we can. We simply built that command into the program. We send 1 meal to others in need for every 2 meals our subscribers purchase. Additionally, we give the option that after 1 year of storage, the food can be exchanged for fresh food, and the 4-year shelf-life food will be sent to someone who needs it now. You may even know someone in your family or city who could use some help. Giving is not only gratifying but also fulfilling.

3. Third, the Bible promises (Luke 6:38) that if we give, it will be given to us; good measure, shaken together, and running over will men give into our bosom. That simply means that if we care enough about the hurts and needs others are facing and answer the call to help, God sees that response and promises to bless us for taking action on behalf of those in need. Our advertising bonus is designed to reward you for telling our story and helping us help more people.

Our company motto is Prepare and Share. Simply put, we should prepare for our families while helping others. God says He will bless us for that obedience. We structured the company as a for-profit company for a reason. We simply did not want to always be asking for donations. This is, we believe, a responsible and mature way to address the problems and issues we mentioned above. If you agree, join us, and let’s make a difference in our world.